Understanding Emotions and Feelings
Strengthening Emotional Intelligence
Here, learn to navigate the complexities of emotions and feelings with actionable steps to regulate yourself. Figure out how to welcome healthy and positive emotions and feelings while also working through harder ones.
Embrace Genuine Self-Love to Boost Self-Esteem and Strengthen Self-Worth
Learn how to embrace self-love to boost self-esteem and strengthen self-worth with actionable strategies for cultivating genuine self-love, overcoming self-doubt, and building unshakable confidence.
Becoming More Aware of Energy Givers and Energy Takers
Ideas on who and what energy givers and takers are, and the importance of recognising and managing these factors for personal well-being.
Revealing Creative Ways to Spread Joy Daily
Spreading joy through small, thoughtful actions like random acts of kindness and sharing positive affirmations can transform lives and foster a more joyful and connected world.
Why You Should Laugh More and How to Do It
Laughter and having a sense of humour can improve your physical, mental and social wellness. By finding ways to laugh more each day, you can lessen stress, boost your mood, strengthen relationships, and even stimulate new thoughts.
Strategies To Regulate Emotions That Will Make Emotional Intelligence Stronger
Master these strategies to regulate emotions to manage stress, improve your relationships, and ultimately strengthen your emotional intelligence for a more balanced and fulfilling life.
How to Raise Your Vibration in Calm and Dynamic Ways
Protecting and raising your vibration is manageable in both calm and dynamic ways, and here are ideas on how to do it.
Why You Need to Experience More Awe
You need to experience more awe and intentionally cultivate the mindful practice of finding awe to improve your overall well-being.
Is it Time to Quit? Ask Yourself these 7 Questions
Is it time to quit? Ask yourself these questions when you have time to sit and reflect. Answer honestly, and without judgement (from yourself, and perceived judgements from others).
Inspiring Ideas for Boosting Confidence with Self-compassion
Boost your confidence by replacing self-criticism with self-compassion. Learn how to shift negative self-talk, overcome self-doubt, and build lasting self-worth with practical strategies and affirmations.
Stop Waiting in Your Singleness for a Beautiful Life
Stop waiting in your singleness for a beautiful because you aren’t sitting on the bench, you’re already on the field playing the game of life.
How to Feel Inspired by Success instead of Jealous
Jealousy is a normal emotion. With a shift in perspective, you will feel inspired by success instead of jealous with these simple ideas.
Why it is Important to Have Hope
It is important to have hope because it is a fundamental human emotion that helps us find meaning and purpose in life. Keeping hope alive is good for you, there are 4 non-negotiables to get through a hard time and have hope, and tips for fostering and maintaining hope.
Can You Find Meaning in Death and Grief?
Finding meaning in death and grief doesn’t require you to find meaning in the way they died. It makes you look at the person who died and who you are and want to become because of them.
At Spirited Earthling, we believe in the power of emotional intelligence and the transformative potential within every feeling. Your emotions are not just a part of you; they are your guides, your teachers, and your companions on the path to a more meaningful and intentional life.