Media Self-Care

Know When to Curate or to Switch Off

Welcome to a mindful exploration of media consumption. Discover effective strategies for managing your social media time and experience the real benefits of a thoughtful social media detox. Find actionable steps to reclaim your time and adopt a healthier relationship with digital platforms and advertising.

Jordan Jordan

The Power of Advertisements in Your Life

It is important to know the dangerous power of advertisements in your life and the effects on your mental health. Advertisements want to make you feel sad and financially insecure while targeting your self-esteem. Here’s what to do to limit advertisements and unnecessary distractions.

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At Spirited Earthling, we believe that the content you engage with shapes not just your leisure time but also your mindset and well-being. We understand that media self-care is an integral part of your holistic well-being.

42 journal prompts for the beginning and end of the day and month, and personal check-in.

The Book of Finances is a digital download designed to help you take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. This book includes everything you need to get started on the path to financial success.