How to Raise Your Vibration in Calm and Dynamic Ways

Protecting and raising your vibration is manageable in both calm and dynamic ways, and here are ideas on how to do it.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

We each lead magnificent lives in our individual ways, and you can show up for yourself in the best way when your vibration is high and stable. Raising your vibration is an expression that refers to elevating your overall state of being, energy, and consciousness to a higher level. Raising your vibration typically involves cultivating positive emotions such as love, gratitude, joy, and compassion. These emotions are believed to emit higher frequencies of energy, which can have a positive impact on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Living at high vibrations helps you feel more connected to your authentic self, the universe, or a higher power.

People who focus on raising their vibration often report improved mental and physical health, because there is often a related strong mind-body connection. Raising your vibration also encourages spiritual growth. You can feel more present and attuned to the world around you, leading to greater mindfulness and appreciation for life. Higher vibrations attract higher vibrations. When you radiate positive energy, you are more likely to attract positive experiences and people into your life.High vibrational activities make you feel good and inspired, grounded and calming.

“Every single ONE of us is a unique VIBRATION in a beautiful Symphony of Infinite CREATION.” ~ Gordana Biernat

Raising your vibration in calming ways

  • Express Gratitude: Say out loud what you are grateful for. Write it in your journal.

  • Earthing: Sit with your bare feet on the ground, connecting to Mother Earth.

  • Breathe: Deep breaths fill your lungs with life-giving oxygen, feel alive with each breath. Try different breathwork practices and find your favourite.

  • Meditate: Take a few minutes to calm yourself and focus on bringing high vibrational energy to you. Envision your chakras opening and clear out anything that was blocking them. There are a multitude of free meditations you can use.

  • Tech Detox: Put the phone, tablet, and laptop away. No emails or social media. Spend a day or morning/afternoon offline – disconnect to reconnect with yourself.

  • Take an Epsom Salt Bath: Let the magnesium help relax your muscles, the sulphates draw out toxins and heavy metals, and the relaxation stabilises you.

  • Yes, to Whole Foods: Nourish yourself with fibre, nutrient and vitamin-filled fruits and vegetables. Delight in whole grains, enjoy a few nuts and seeds, and eat some legumes.   

  • No, to Anything that Drains You: Say no to individuals who only take your energy, to gatherings that take more from you than they give, content that makes you sad and worried.

  • Sleep: Have a nap. Have an early night or sleep in. Sleep is unbelievably important to our mental, emotional, and physical health.

What calms you and lifts your spirits? Spend time in a tea ceremony. Read an interesting book. Swim in the ocean and float in a lake. Watch a cheery film.

“How you vibrate is what the universe echoes back to you in every moment.” ~ Panache

Raising your vibration in dynamic ways

  • Dance: Moving your body to music is a mood lifter, meaning it’s a vibration raiser. Whether you're bouncing to let go of stress, jumping up and down to release anger and insecurity, moving your hips to unblock creativity and help get you out of your head, or touching your body to feel nurtured and held. Listen to upbeat or uplifting music.

  • Declutter: Declutter your living and working spaces. Remove what needs to be removed and make space for clarity and better things. Clutter can prevent energy from moving around, so decluttering helps the flow of energy in the room.

  • Create: Move into your right brain and create something – draw, paint, colour in, build, scrapbook, play an instrument. Engage in a favourite hobby.

  • Get Outside: Breathe new air, look around you and see the beauty of the natural world. Being in nature is always a mood booster and stress reliever.

  • Exercise: Move your body through the feelings and allow space for better energy. Do some stretching or an easy yoga practice. If you have the energy, take a brisk walk or run.

  • Share Love: Compliment a stranger. Buy someone behind you a coffee. Share a friend’s small business. Kind words and random acts of kindness have stunning ripple effects.

  • Spend time with high-vibration individuals: Allow their positivity, love, compassion, and peace to help raise your vibration. Support each other. Hug each other.

“Make it your intention to look for evidence of well-being, thriving, success, and happiness and you will tune to the vibration.” ~ Anonymous

Embracing the practice of regularly raising your vibration, not only when you're feeling down, can lead to a happier and fuller life. Cultivating awareness of energy-draining influences empowers you to confidently say no to what doesn't serve you.

Keep yourself in the cocoon of high-frequency energy, creating a shield that empowers you to shape the room's energy instead of lowering it to the room level. As you incorporate these high-vibration activities into your daily life, consider adding them to your habit tracker. And remember, amidst the journey, 'off-days' are a natural part of personal growth.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, and warmest regards


Affirmation: I protect my energy and choose to surround myself with positivity and joy.

Exercise: Do something to raise your vibration right now.

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