Why it is Important to Have Hope

It is important to have hope because it is a fundamental human emotion that helps us find meaning and purpose in life. Keeping hope alive is good for you, there are 4 non-negotiables to get through a hard time and have hope, and tips for fostering and maintaining hope.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Hope is a complex and multifaceted emotional and psychological state characterised by positive expectations, optimism, motivation, and the belief in the possibility of a better future. It is a fundamental aspect of human psychology that influences emotions, behaviours, and the way people navigate life's challenges.

What is Hope?

Hope is an emotional state that often accompanies positive emotions such as happiness, joy, and contentment. It can uplift your mood and provide a sense of well-being. This close link to optimism means that you have a positive mindset. A positive mindset allows for beliefs that even in challenging or uncertain circumstances, things can improve, and there are opportunities for growth and happiness. Hope can be described as a positive expectation, a belief that something good will happen. There is an anticipation of a better future and positive outcome.

Hope can be a powerful motivator to set, work towards, and achieve goals and dreams. When you have hope, you are ready to overcome any challenges and obstacles. Ultimately, hope promotes resilience. It helps individuals persevere through difficult times and maintain a sense of purpose and determination, with the ability to bounce back from adversity. In times of stress, hope can also be a coping mechanism. It helps manage anxiety and uncertainty by focusing on the potential for positive change.

This is because hope is rooted in the belief that possibilities exist, even when the path forward may not be clear. It encourages individuals to explore new options and opportunities. Hope often involves faith and trust in oneself, others, or a higher power. It can be linked to spiritual or existential beliefs and provide a sense of meaning and purpose.

Hope can be a shared experience, fostering connections and a sense of community. People often find hope in the support and encouragement of others.

person holding a rock with the hope engraved

Why Keeping Hope Alive is Good for You

The importance of hope in life is clear because hope is a powerful emotion that can:

  • Strengthen a positive mindset and outlook on life,

  • Reduce anxiety, stress and fear and lead to greater happiness and life satisfaction,

  • Lessen the feeling of helplessness and build self-efficacy and resilience,

  • Encourage learning and personal growth and development,

  • Help control breathing and calm overwhelming emotions,

  • Improve motivation and help achieve goals with creativity and innovation,

  • Better relationships because you inspire and uplift those around you,

  • Be a catalyst of social change.

4 Non-negotiables to Get Through a Hard Time and Have Hope

In an episode of It’s Going To Be OK  with Dr Bushkin, he outlines 4 things that are non-negotiable to get through a hard time and have hope:

1. Have an outline of how to get out of the situation.

In challenging situations, hope often thrives when there is a clear strategy for change and improvement. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

There is an emotional memory in our actions. The actions and old patterns are likely the reason for the difficult situation. Therefore, new patterns need to be figured out for you to get out of the situation. An outline provides clarity on the steps and actions required to improve the situation. It helps you see a path forward, which can lessen feelings of confusion and hopelessness. Having a plan also gives you a sense of control over your circumstances. This feeling of agency is essential for maintaining hope, as it suggests that there are concrete actions you can take to influence the outcome.

While the outline itself may not guarantee success, it provides a structured and proactive approach to a situation, which can be a source of optimism, motivation and resilience. As you follow the outline and achieve each step, you can track your progress. This sense of accomplishment reinforces hope because it demonstrates positive change is possible.

2. Social connection is important.

Firstly, it is okay and necessary to ask for help and lean on people because feeling alone is one of the worst negative feelings. Sharing the outline with trusted friends, family members, or professionals can lead to valuable input and support. Talking about the plan can reinforce hope and provide additional perspectives.

While social connections can be a significant source of hope, it's important to recognise that the quality and nature of these connections matter. Positive and supportive relationships tend will effectively foster hope, whereas negative or toxic relationships can have the opposite effect. Cultivating healthy social connections and seeking support from individuals who genuinely care can be a powerful means of maintaining hope during challenging times.

Finding professionals and people who can relate and have experience in similar experiences is a good idea because they likely have an outline or system that you can use to move into a new phase of life. Attend therapy, local support groups, and use helplines for support when needed.

3. Live with hope.

Remember that hope is not just about reaching a specific outcome but about maintaining a positive mindset and outlook on life, even when faced with challenges. Always know that everything is going to be okay, even when that okay looks different to how you thought it would.

Live with hope by practising gratitude, and regularly acknowledge and appreciate the positive aspects of your life, no matter how small. This focuses your mind on all that you have, instead of what you think you lack. Mindfulness practices can help you stay present and manage anxiety about the future.

Self-compassion involves treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially during difficult times. Prioritise self-care activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being. This can include exercise, a balanced diet, adequate sleep, relaxation techniques, and hobbies that bring you joy.

Celebrate even the smallest achievements and progress toward your goals. Consider keeping a hope journal where you record your hopes, dreams, and progress. Writing down your thoughts and aspirations can help clarify your goals and track your journey toward them.

4. Have a sense of humour.

Whether it's through jokes, funny movies, humorous books, or witty conversations, incorporating humour into your life can be a valuable tool for cultivating and preserving hope, especially during challenging times.

Humour and laughter can reduce anxiety and stress, and strengthen emotional resilience. Humour can serve as a valuable coping mechanism during tough times. It allows you to find amusement or irony in even the most challenging situations, providing a mental break and perhaps a shift in perspective.

Humour naturally improves mood and promotes a positive outlook. Simply put, humour makes life more enjoyable. When you find joy and amusement in everyday experiences, it becomes easier to maintain a hopeful and positive attitude toward life. Don’t be stuck in the moment, because the moment is not the future

person giving a heart to another person

A Hope Experiment with Rats and Drowning

In a It’s Going To Be OK  episode, Dr Bushkin tells of an experiment in the 1950s that showed the importance of hope in life (the ethics of the time allowed the experiment).

Dr Richter put rats in water with no way out and typically after 15 minutes the rats would sink and drown. The experiment was repeated, but at around 15 minutes, the rats were ‘saved’. The rats were taken out of the water and dried off. They were then placed back into the water. This time, the rats held on and fought drowning for 60 hours. The hope of being saved made them last 240 times longer in the water.

When hope is lost, your will is lost. When hope is given, your will endures even though your body may be exhausted. It’s difficult to pick yourself up when hope is gone, so keeping hope alive is the only way forward.

hope written on a book page with flowers

Tips for Fostering and Maintaining Hope

What is the key to maintaining a hopeful mindset? A lifestyle that encourages optimism and health. Along with the 4 non-negotiables, tips include:

  • Following a morning and evening routine,

  • Following daily based mindfulness practices,

  • Moving your body (walk, yoga, housework, gardening, gym),

  • Meditating,

  • Learning new skills to build courage and confidence,

  • Choosing to eat healthy foods that help improve your mood,

  • Reading books that inspire growth and optimism,

  • Relaxing and resting your mind and body.

Hope is a feeling of optimism and expectation for a positive outcome. It is a belief that things will get better, even in the face of adversity or difficult circumstances. Hope can be a powerful motivator, giving people the strength to persevere through challenges and pursue their dreams. It can also provide comfort and reassurance during times of uncertainty or fear. While hope is often associated with individual goals and aspirations, it can also be a collective force for change, inspiring people to work towards a better future for themselves and their communities. Overall, hope is a fundamental human emotion that helps us find meaning and purpose in life.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


Affirmation: I focus on what I can control and make peace with what I cannot (free wallpaper download).

Journal Prompts: An accomplishment I’m proud of. A future event I am excited for.

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Resources for mind, body, and soul growth


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