Mindfulness Practices That Will Get You Outside More

By stepping outside and spending time in the beauty of the natural world, you can cultivate a deeper sense of presence, peace, and connection. Try these mindfulness practices that will get you outside more.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Nature is the place you can always go to calm your mind, ground yourself, and lift your spirit. And in today’s hustle and bustle world, mindfully slowing down and spending time in nature is increasingly important. Being boastful about busyness and praising relentless work with no downtime is part of society that you need not engage with. This is your invitation to choose to touch grass instead of being chronically online, and here are easy-to-do ideas that will get you outside more.

Mindfulness Practices That Will Get You Outside More

Simply said, mindfulness is being fully present and engaging in the current moment. Mindfulness practices help you be more aware, give your attention to the now, and disconnect from distractions so you can be more emotionally resilient, focused, and happier.

move your body outside mindfulness practices that will get you outside

Move Your Body Outside

A common characteristic of some of the healthiest and longest-living seniors is the type of physical activity they do. These older individuals engage in more natural movements like gardening, walking, and the simple act of getting up and down from the floor. Slower, low-impact exercises like these are easy to do outside no matter how fit or unfit you are.

You can mindfully walk in any nature-spaces accessible to you. You may be able to walk mindfully in a wild and unspoiled forest and on beach sand alongside untameable ocean waves. If you’re in a more urban environment, the manicured lawns of city parks and curated walking paths offer a natural escape from busy city life. Walking barefoot adds a deeper connection to the earth.

Related Read: The Healing Power of Forest Bathing for Spiritual Growth and Well-Being

Take your yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi styled practices outside. These exercises focus on strength, flexibility and balance without the need for weights and equipment. Practice on your balcony, in your garden, or join a regular outside class in the park or on the beachfront.

When you move your body while outside is a holistic fitness approach that supports happy and healthy mind, body, and soul well-being.

nature-inspired hobbies Mindfulness Practices That Will Get You Outside More

Take Up Nature-Inspired Hobbies

There are a multitude of nature hobbies and activities that you can participate in, each providing a unique and enriching experience:

  • Gardening: Connect with the earth directly through the relaxing and rewarding hobby of gardening, either at home or by joining a community garden project. A step before growing your own food could be looking after house plants and bringing nature into your home.

Related Read: Attractive Healing And Health Benefits Of Gardening

  • Birding: Take up bird-watching and step into the fascinating world of ornithology. You can learn about the local birds, and you may love it so much that you decide to join an expedition and take a birding-focused holiday.

  • Plants: Explore hobbies like herbalism, foraging, or plant identification. You can incorporate more herbs into your diet and boost your immune system. Improving your knowledge about local flora can deepen your connection with nature and your local environment.

  • Outdoor Sports: Try activities stand up paddle and join hiking groups. You may be able to find peace in your adventure. See where your interests lie and get involved in those activities.

  • Photography: Start or create a photography series or challenge inspired by nature. You could look for different colours or animals or elements of a landscape that are intricate, breathtaking, and too easily taken for granted.

  • Arts and Crafts: Create art that celebrates the diverse splendor of nature. Create or support community projects like art-in-the-park. Whether it’s a day out with kids or adults, you’re never too old for art. Use natural materials in your crafting. Nature-related art is an element of biophilic design that helps you connect with nature at home.

Spending Time Alone

Spending time alone cannot be overlooked in this fast-paced and distracting world. Get to know yourself better (become more self-aware) feel more self-love and recharge your energy. It is time to recenter yourself on your needs and wishes instead of being carried away with societal hullabaloos.

  • Meditate: Take time to just breathe and practice breathwork while sitting outside. Even just five minutes of tech-free peace can help calm your mind and lower your stress levels.

  • Journal: Journaling is an accessible and profound practice. You can free-write, answer prompts, or nature journal. Nature journaling combines observation and artistic expression. As you observe the natural world around you, try to describe what you see with emotive words. Sketch the flowers, landscapes, and animals you see or think of. Press flowers into the pages that hold your musings and outings.

Related Read: Harness the Skill of Journaling for a Happier Mindful Life

  • Tech-free: Choose to stay off social media for the time you’re outdoors. Disengage from the constant technical stimulation and engage with the present moment.  

  • Moon Rituals: Consider taking your full moon and new moon rituals outside to pray, cleanse, and journal.

  • Gratitude Walk: Take a walk and focus on all you have to be thankful for, big and small. It’s also a simple way to cultivate an abundance and positive mindset.

Related Read: How to Raise Your Vibration in Calm and Dynamic Ways

socialise outdoors Mindfulness Practices That Will Get You Outside More

Socialise Outdoors

Mindfulness practices can also be a group experience that builds community. Socialising outdoors can involve your family and friends or like-minded strangers. These ideas are easy to do and affordable:

  • Picnic More: Meet in a nature space of your choosing and spend a lovely day together picnicking and catching up. Try new picnic spots and find your favourites while getting to know your city and surrounds a little more.

  • Watch the Sunrise and Sunset: Get together to admire the changing colourful skies of beautiful sunrises and exquisite sunsets. Start your day with a dose of nature or let your worries of the day go down with the sun. 

  • Enjoy Meals Alfresco: Eat more meals outside, whether in your garden, on the balcony or patio, or outside seating at restaurants.

  • Join Community Efforts: Look for nature-based community projects like tree-planting initiatives or community-organised clean-ups of local parks or beaches. You can meet kindred spirits and connect with nature in environmentally friendly ways.

  • Book Club: Create a book club or dedicate a few months in an established one to read and discuss books set in nature, inspired by it, or environmentally based. Take the book club outside by meeting for a bring and picnic or eat alfresco.

As you’re surrounded by community, take a moment to connect with nature. It could be in a deep breath of fresh air and feeling the warm summer breeze or cooling autumn wind on your face. Feel the sand between your toes or the soft grass beneath your feet.

Your time is limited and valuable so spend it enjoying life and living connected with the natural world around you. Choose peace over media-incited rage. Choose gratitude over comparison. Choose slow living over the rat-race. Choose connection with your loved ones over like counts. Choose to engage in the world instead of watching it through a black mirror.

Take your mindfulness practices outside when you can. By stepping outside and spending time in the beauty of the natural world, you can cultivate a deeper sense of presence, peace, and connection. So, the next time you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take a moment to breathe, step outside, and let nature be your guide to inner harmony.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


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