Vision Boards Are Always a Good Idea, Here Is How to Make One

Answers to when to create your vision board, what to put on it, where to put it, and how to start living your visions. You have the power to create your authentic, rich life.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

A vision board is a collection of images, affirmations, and quotes that will inspire and motivate you to achieve your dreams. Vision boards are always a good idea because they help you focus on what you want to achieve and keep you motivated and on track towards your goals. A visual representation of your dreams will be a reminder of your goals on a daily basis.

“Where your focus goes, your energy flows.  Focus on what you want, where you are going, and what you are actively creating.” ~ Les Brown

Answers To Common Questions About Creating a Vision Board

Before starting your vision board, spend time answering journal prompts on dreams on goals. Once you have clear intentions, write them down. A vision board can be created using a corkboard, poster board, or even a digital platform. Gather the supplies you will need to create your chosen vision board type.

You can choose to have a ‘life’ focused vision board that encompasses all things. Or, you can have several boards that relate to different aspects of life, e.g., travel, business success or career, relationship and family life.

When to Create Your Vision Board

The best time to create your vision board(s) is when you have time to be intentional and immerse yourself in the activity. If you want a peaceful environment, play calming music, burn some incense or light a candle and enjoy a warm drink as you create. For a livelier environment, play happy, upbeat music and occasional dance breaks. Another idea is to host or attend a vision board party. Each person can bring their own supplies, photos, quotes, postcards, and keepsakes. Joined intentions can be powerful.

Either way, turn the TV off and mute notifications when you create your vision board.

What to Put on a Vision Board

The key is to choose visuals and words that resonate with you and represent the life you want to live. Your vision board will be a collection of what you want to aspire to, attract, and feel.

For a physical vision board, flip through the magazines and cut out images and words that represent your goals and intentions. These can be pictures of places you want to visit, items you want to buy, or quotes that inspire you. For a digital vision board, look on Pinterest and stock imagery sites for images and words.

Think about adding keepsakes or photos from travels that remind you to make time for more trips, or from events that you want to attend more of.

Consider expanding on the obvious when looking for images and words. Along with a photo of an ideal body, add photos of healthy food, stretching and exercise. An ‘A’ grade image can be made more motivating with photos of books, a person studying, and a library. Including visuals of actionable steps can make the idea more real.

Once you have collected a variety of images and words, arrange them on your board. Play around with the placement until you are happy with how it looks. Then, use glue to attach everything to the board.

Where to Put a Vision Board

The key is to hang your vision board in a place where you will see it every day. This will help keep your goals and intentions at the forefront of your mind. Do you have a calming or sacred space where you spend time each day (like at your altar or where you practice yoga and meditation)? Can you put it next to your mirror or on your cupboard doors? Seeing it often will encourage short visualisations throughout your day.

the word act stands for action changes things

Start Living Your Vision Board

You have set intentions and created a visual representation of your dream life. Visualise what it feels like to have what is on your board, be in the dream places, and notice who is with you. It is essential to make time for visualisation.  

As with affirmations, your vision board helps your mindset. Now, action is required to create this life. When setting goals, it is important to have related actionable steps, so you have a starting point. Your decisions and actions will either support or ignore your envisioned dreams. Ask yourself these two questions when contemplating decisions:

  • Does this action bring me closer to my hopes for life?

  • Will this decision support my vision for my life?

You have the power to create a life you love and don’t want to escape from. Trust yourself, and the energy of the universe to help, to create your authentic rich life.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


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