Simple And Mindful Ways to Romanticise Your Life Today

You are the leading character in your life and there is so much to be grateful for and admire in your life. These simple and mindful ways to romanticise your life will help you fall in love with your life again.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Romanticising your life is a trend on the social media app TikTok, and we’re here for it. There is mindfulness in the act of romanticising your life because you’re seeing what you have and loving it. Romanticising your life makes you notice the small and maybe non-life-changing moments on the grander scale, but these are the moments that do in fact make our days worth remembering.

The Holiday is a well-loved movie. And one of the most profound scenes is the interaction between Iris and Arthur when he tells her to act like the leading lady of her own life. Romanticising your life asks you to step back into being the main character of your life, the hero of your story.

“Iris, in the movies, we have leading ladies and we have the best friend. You, I can tell, are a leading lady, but for some reason, you're behaving like the best friend.” ~ Arthur Abbott, The Holiday

I love life written in chalk on a small black board, which is lying on grass with daisies

Simple Ways to Romanticise Your Life Today

We all want to be the leading character in our book of life, but if you haven’t been behaving in this way, it can be intimidating or overwhelming to get back into it. How do you romanticise your life? You can start by choosing ideas that resonate with you most:

  • Morning Routine: Morning routines are beneficial because they start your day with intention and set it up for success. Think about what a great morning routine looks like to you.

The 5 am routine is popular, and the principles (workout, journal and meditate, learn) can still be done at a later time that works for you. A slow morning routine could be stretching and then reading a few pages of a book while drinking a cup of tea. Romanticise your mornings (whether it’s being active or calm) and start living your dream, rich life mornings now.

  • Evening Routine: Evening routines are beneficial because they end your day with intention and set it up for relaxation. Think about what a great evening routine looks like to you.

Choose to switch off the TV or laptop sooner and set your phone display to have night shift where the screen has warmer tones (best is to wear blue light glasses). Your evening routine could be stretching, journalling and meditating with calming music, reading, putting on a face mask, and raising your vibe. Romanticise your evenings by prioritising time for yourself.

As always, no social media and emails during your morning and evening routines.

  • Create Your Soundtracks: Music creates our soundtrack for life. Whether we're celebrating a happy occasion or are filled with grief, music has the power to help us process our emotions and make sense of the world around us. From childhood lullabies to wedding songs, music is an integral part of the human experience.

Create your own soundtracks and embrace the mood journey the music takes you on. Ideas for playlists you can create: feel-good, commute, cleaning, reading, workout, winding down.

  • Watch a Sunrise. Watch a Sunset: Sunrises and sunsets have inspired poets, writers, and artists for centuries.

Make time to be up for a sunrise. Be present as the sun greets you good morning. Feel the peace of the early morning, the quietness of the world. The sunrise is a symbol of hope and renewal.

Make time to watch the sunset. Be present as the sun bids you a good night. Feel the warmth of the day slowly cooling into the freshness of the night. The sunset puts on a show as you reflect on the day passed and encourages you to appreciate the beauty of nature and feel awe.

  • Start Gardening: Gardening can be a wonderful way to romanticise your life and bring a touch of nature into your daily routine. There are numerous benefits to gardening, like reducing stress and improving mental health. Whether you have a small balcony or a sprawling backyard, there are countless ways to incorporate gardening into your lifestyle.

One way to start is by growing herbs, which can add a burst of flavour to your meals and fill your home with lovely fragrances. Basil, thyme, and rosemary are all easy to grow and require minimal maintenance. Growing salad and rocket are also easy-growing plants. You can also try planting flowers, which can brighten up your space and create a calming atmosphere. Sunflowers, marigolds, and pansies are all great options for beginners.

  • Volunteer: No matter what romanticising your life means to you, volunteering can be a wonderful way to add meaning, purpose, and joy to your life. Get involved with community projects, serve at soup kitchens, help out at animal shelters. So why not give it a try and see how it can enrich your life and the lives of those around you?

  • Use the Good Stuff: You are living life now and no tomorrow is guaranteed. So, use the special crockery and cutlery more than once a year. Because. You. Can. Wear the beautiful clothes now and not only for special occasions. Because. You. Can.

  • Date Yourself: Taking some time for yourself and enjoying your own company can be an incredibly rewarding experience. After all, you are the only person who truly knows what you need and what makes you happy. Dating yourself is all about treating yourself with love, care, and respect, just as you would a romantic partner.

Learn to love eating alone. Buy yourself your favourite flowers because you felt like it. Read your book while picnicking somewhere you love. Take a class or workshop to learn a new skill, or work on a hobby that you've always wanted to pursue. Think about what you love to do and what makes you feel fulfilled. Romanticise your life by enjoying spending time with yourself, levelling up, or simply relaxing.

  • Invest in Hobbies: Some people have active hobbies, others appreciate more mental hobbies, and others flourish in creative hobbies. Think about your favourite hobbies or ones you would like to try.

Make time to paint. Give yourself time to write. Spend time scrapbooking. Learn to play an instrument online. Sign up for dance classes or surf lessons. Learn to enjoy making something rather than only focusing on the end product. 

  • Travel in Your Kitchen: Travelling to new countries and experiencing different cultures can be an incredible and enriching experience. But for those times when you can't leave your home, you can still travel in your own kitchen by cooking meals from different countries and cultures. Cook recipes from places you love. Bring the flavours of your favourite trips to your every day.

  • Update Your Space: By investing a little time and effort into your home, you can create a cosy and inviting atmosphere that you'll love coming home to every day. Consider a change in bed linen and a new lamp to update your bedroom. Organise your kitchen to make cooking, cleaning, and entertaining more inviting. Change the energy of the room by rearranging your furniture. Think about a DIY flip of something you already have. Maybe just a new coat of paint can make the space feel more inspiring. Print some of the photos you’ve taken and get some houseplants.

  • Tweak Your Look: Changing your look can be a fun and exciting way to refresh your style and boost your confidence. Get that haircut you’ve been thinking about or add some colour to your hair. Invest in that new coat and try a new lipstick colour. You are the leading character in your life, act like it.

  • Look Up: Be present where you are and notice the small things around you. Look up at the clouds – their shape, colour, and how they’re moving across the sky. Spot any satellites amongst the stars. When walking in the park or forest, look up and see the beauty in overhanging branches and how the sunshine dances through the leaves. Notice the details on buildings and roofs. Romanticise your life by being grateful for where you are.

  • Celebrate All Things: By embracing a mindset of celebration and gratitude, you can romanticise your life and find joy in the everyday moments.

Celebrate the small wins that are taking to you to the big things. Celebrate that new project, the presentation that went well, and the networking event that was better than expected.

Maybe it's the warmth of the sun on your skin, the smell of fresh coffee in the morning, or the sound of your loved ones' laughter. Whatever it is, take a moment to appreciate it and enjoy the experience. Take time to show your appreciation for your friends and family, whether it's through a heartfelt conversation, a thoughtful gift, or simply spending quality time together.

  • Journal: Journaling is a wonderful way to reflect on your life and romanticise it. Writing about your daily experiences, thoughts, and feelings can help you appreciate the beauty in the simple things. It can also help you identify the things that make you happy and allow you to focus more on them. Write about the beauty you’re discovering in your life. Thank your heart, your mind, your body – they are doing so much for you. Write about your dreams, hopes and fears.

beach picnic with delicious food, tea in tea cups, and a picnic basket

Romanticise Your Life Using Your 5 Senses

Think of having a picnic in a park. Feel the grass beneath your feet and the sun on your face. Listen to the birds chirping, leaves rustling, and happiness in the voices of those around you. See the small flowers and flittering birds. Smell the fresh air and the delicious food you’ve brought to enjoy. Taste the different flavours of the food and feel the coolness or warmth of the drinks you brought with you.

Feel the sand between your toes as you walk along the beach, listening to waves crashing. See the water wash over the sand and the bubbles of sea foam popping. Take a few deep breaths of the salty air, so strong you can practically taste it.

Warm your hands on the steaming cup of tea. Breathe in the flavours steaming from the cup and sip on and noting the taste of your delightfulness in your cup. Look out the window or give thanks for the room you’re in keeping you safe and warm. Listen to the sounds, even if it’s appreciating the silence surrounding you.

Feel the texture of the pages between your fingers and smell the beautiful scent of a new book. Listen to the paper as you turn the page. Envision what you're reading - hear the scene you're reading and see the places described.

Romanticise your life by simply engaging with it.

Spirited Earthling isn't just a blog; it's a place where kindred spirits can explore the worlds of self-development, self-care, and spirituality along this adventure called life. Designed for those with curious minds and spiritual hearts, this site can be like a guiding compass to bring mindfulness and intentionality into every step of our journey.

As you journey through these words and ideas, remember that inspiration thrives when shared. Consider gifting someone a ticket to their own transformative voyage by sharing this blog, or even just this post. By doing so, you're not just sharing knowledge – you could be igniting a spark of inspiration and possibility in another soul. Together, let's encourage a movement of mindful, spirited living. For in sharing, connecting, and uplifting, we each walk our paths with positivity and growth.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


Affirmation: I find hopeful and optimistic ways to look at all situations.

Journal Prompt: 10 things I am grateful for today.

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Harness the Skill of Journaling for a Happier and More Mindful Life


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