Habits and Routines

Act Like the Person You Want to Be

You are on a transformative journey towards becoming your best self and our collection of empowering insights on habits and routines can help you on your way. Explore intentional living and the magic of morning and evening routines. Cultivate mindful habits and embrace a happier and more purposeful life. You can discover or remember helpful habits and routines that bring positive changes.

At Spirited Earthling, we realise that habits and routines become part of your foundations for self-development. We are committed to sharing and empowering you to build habits and routines that guide you towards a life of resilience and purpose.

Change is hard, and forming habits takes time. Tracking habits makes the process easier. See your progress with tracking, and keep your motivation to become the person you want to become. Start making healthy changes to your life today, because you deserve to.

84 Journal Prompts to help guide your journal practice. This book offers journal prompts for self-discovery and reflection, childhood and inner child, gratitude, inspiration and more.