5 Daily Habits to Encourage a Happy Purposeful Life

FA happy and purposeful life is possible and these 5 simple daily habits can help you live it sooner.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Your daily habits have a profound impact on your life and the best habits support your physical, mental and emotional well-being. Healthy habits create positive ripples in all aspects of your happy, purposeful life. In an episode of It’s Going to be Ok podcast, Dr Bushkin explains that the opposite of depression is not happiness, it is purpose. These 5 daily habits can enrich your every day. Today is the best time to start.

"Habits are the compound interest of self-improvement." ~ James Clear

Book page open saying "instead of choosing to merely exist, I urge you to experience life I urge you to live." There are flowers and a cup of tea

Daily Habit 1:  Evening Routine

Your evening routine sets the tone for your evening and night’s sleep, as well as your day ahead. A consistent evening routine is a signal to your body that it's time to wind down, making it easier to fall asleep and sleep better. Including self-care and mindfulness practices into your evening routine can improve your thoughts and feelings. An evening routine can help you plan and prepare for the next day, setting you up for a more organized and productive morning. Your evening routine can include the following:

  • Wash your face and brush your teeth.

  • Choose your outfit for tomorrow.

  • Choose your breakfast for tomorrow. You can even lay out your bowl or plate.

  • Listen to calming music or nature sounds while you stretch.

  • Journal - What are you grateful for? Answer journal prompts. Free-write about your day.

  • Read to relax.

Imagine you start each day with 100 coins. Each activity and decision costs you coins. Removing decisions like choosing clothes and breakfast from your morning leaves you with more coins for the rest of the day.

Related read: Helpful Evening Routine Ideas to Make Life More Wonderful

"Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.” ~ James Clear

Daily Habit 2:  Morning Routine

Your morning routine gives you the chance to start each day with positivity and purpose.

  • How would you like your morning to start?

  • What activities ground you and set you up best for the day?

Your morning routine can include the following:

  • Get up with your alarm (no snooze button).

  • No social media scrolling (not in bed, not when brushing your teeth, not when having something to drink).

  • Make your bed.

  • Wash your face and brush your teeth.

  • Say your daily affirmations.

  • Journal.

  • Meditate.

  • Read to learn.

Your morning and evening habits encourage a happy, purposeful life because you’re mindfully connecting with yourself and your feelings. You’re setting up your tomorrow for small successes already. These daily habit ideas are forms of self-care.

Related reads: Reclaim Your Mornings with These Personalised and Informative Morning Routine Ideas and Benefits of the 5 am Club Morning Routine.

“Ancient Rule of Twenty-one: if you do anything for twenty-one days in a row, it will be installed as a habit.” ~ Robin Sharma

Daily Habit 3: Nourish Yourself

Nourishing foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body needs to function properly. These foods give you the energy required for daily activities, exercise, and mental focus. Choosing to nourish your body with wholesome foods reflects a sense of self-respect and self-care. Nourishing your body with nutritious foods supports a positive body image. When you prioritize health over restrictive diets, you cultivate a more accepting and compassionate attitude toward your body. Ideas for wholesome nourishment:

  • Add more salad and vegetables to your meals.

  • Eat less meat.

  • Include foods with prebiotics (like whole grains, garlic, apple, pears, banana) and probiotics (like kombucha, dairy and non-diary yogurt, pickles, miso, kimchi, sauerkraut).

  • Cut down on sugary treats.

  • Have a cup of green tea.

"I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." ~ Stephen R. Covey

Daily Habit 4: Move Your Body

Exercise has proven benefits for physical and mental health. Moving your body daily is a healthy habit for a happy life. The movement doesn’t have to be high-intensity, it can be as simple as stretching at home and walking. Getting outside connects you to nature, calms the mind, and strengthens your body.

If you need extra motivation, pay for a class for the month – go, if for nothing else, because you respect your financial commitment. Do activities with a buddy where you can be accountable to each other to walk each morning or do yoga after work. Choose to be healthy for yourself, and your family, to live purposefully.

"You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems." ~ James Clear

Daily Habit 5: Meditate and Breathe

Meditating daily improves your focus and reduces stress and anxiety. You can simply sit in silence and breathe for 5 minutes. Or find free guided meditations on various platforms, like YouTube and Spotify. Similarly, breathwork and breathing exercises connect you to your body and calms your mind.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." ~ William Durant

Each habit begins as a small decision that forms a habit which leads to big things. Each of these daily habits encourages a happy, purposeful life.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


Exercise: Choose one daily habit to start doing in your every day.

Journal Prompt: What will I do today that benefits my personal growth and happiness?

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