Helpful Evening Routine Ideas to Make Life More Wonderful

Your evening routine helps you let of the day and sets you up for a better tomorrow. These helpful evening routine ideas can help make your life even more wonderful.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

An evening routine complements a morning routine because it is often said that every good day starts the night before. Essentially, you are ending your day with presence and relaxation while setting yourself up for a better morning.

As with the morning routine, the most important thing to remember when creating your evening routine is that there is no one-routine-for-all approach. People have different time constraints, physical abilities, lifestyles, and goals. It may take some experimenting with different activities to find a routine that brings purpose and positivity to the end of your day.

evening routine - bed, alarm clock showing 10 pm, a book and glasses on the nightstand

Great Benefits of Evening Routines

These benefits of an evening routine can support your physical, mental, and spiritual health as you close out your day.

Benefit 1: Evening Routines Help Let Go of the Day

By having an evening routine, you can let go of the day as you unwind with activities that promote peace and gratitude. Saying goodbye with intention can lift your mood and set you up for an even better tomorrow.   

Benefit 2: Evening Routines Bring Peace to Your Evening

Whether your day was stressful, went by in the blink of an eye, or was smooth sailing taking time before bed to relax and calm yourself can lower anxiety and stress and bring peace and presence.    

Benefit 3: Evening Routines Support Physical Health

Your evening routine can include activities that support good physical health like stretching, eating a nutritious dinner, and hydrating. By including body movement into your evening routine, you are moving energy around your body – releasing what needs to be released and making space for lighter energy. 

Benefit 4: Evening Routines Strengthen Mental Health and Mindfulness

Along with letting go of the day and bringing peace before sleep, your evening routine can strengthen your mental health by including mindfulness practices. Mindfulness practices like meditation and journalling foster positive mindsets which can better your life satisfaction.

Benefit 4: Evening Routines Support Spiritual Connection

Regardless of your beliefs, your evening routine can support spiritual connection through practices like prayer, meditation, chanting, and gratitude.

Benefit 5: Evening Routines Promote Better Sleep

Your body has an internal clock and by going to bed at the same time every night you are reinforcing this internal body clock, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Regular and predictable sleep patterns are essential to your overall well-being.

“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just... start.” ~ Ijeoma Umebinyuo

evening routine - tea, candle, lavendar, sleep mask

Helpful List of Evening Routines Ideas

There are different types of evening routines because there are different types of people who lead different lives and have different resources and goals. The idea is to create a routine that best aligns with your lifestyle, and this list of evening routine ideas and types can be your guide:

Relaxing Evening Routine

Setting aside electronic devices as much as possible, a relaxing evening routine will include activities that help you unwind, calm down and find some semblance of peace. This could look like gentle stretching, a shower or bath with Epsom salts, reading a book, doing a crossword puzzle, or other calming hobbies.

Tip: Read to learn in the mornings and read for pleasure in the evenings.

Mindful Evening Routine

Saying goodbye to the day with presence and mindfulness can be very beneficial to your mental and spiritual health. Take a break from screens and technology at least an hour before bed. Journal to let go of the day by getting everything off your chest, answer prompts, and or gratitude journal. Practice breathwork and meditation to promote inner peace and better sleep.

Creative Evening Routine

Winding down is easier when you’re engaging in your creative hobbies. Creative pursuits are for everyone, no matter the skill or talent you think you hold. Write because you enjoy writing. Paint and draw because it soothes you. Knit and crochet because you can. Being creative can free your mind and boost your mood.

Quality Time Evening Routine

Everyone leads different lives within a family (whether that looks like roommates, a couple, and those with kids) so touching base with each other is important. Spending quality time in the evenings can be grounding and allows connection. Have dinner at the table with no screens and talk to each other. Play card and board games and other shared activities like puzzles. Read to your kids and have that magical connection before they fall asleep and snuggle your partner after.

Preparational Evening Routine

Spending time preparing for the next day can help alleviate stress and anxiety for the next morning. Additionally, planning and organising for tomorrow lessens the number of decisions you need to make in the morning (reducing decision fatigue). Choose your clothes, pack your bag, and make a to-do list for the next day. A preparational evening routine can bring a smoother and easier morning.  

Wholesome Evening Routine

You can combine aspects of the routines mentioned above for a wholesome evening routine. Spend quality time with your family, unwind in your favourite ways, and mindfully release the day.

Whether you're looking to focus on one aspect during your evening routine (relaxation, creativity) or having a more holistic approach (wholesome) you will feel the benefits in time. Remember that it takes around 66 days to get into an evening routine because you are breaking old habits and integrating new habits. Generally, it takes longer to break a habit than start a new one. You will need to be patient with yourself.

"It's not enough to just hope for a happy and healthy life; it's a combination of mindset, routines, and habits working together until you get there." ~ Robyn Conley Downs

Example of a Wholesome Evening Routine

This is an example of an evening routine that incorporates self-development, self-care, and spirituality.

  • Nourish and Hydrate Yourself: Eat a nutritious dinner. Have a cup of warm and soothing tea, warm water, or honey-lemon-ginger hot water. Chamomile tea is a great option to assist with sleep.

  • Physical Movement: Stretch. Practice an easy yoga flow and Taichi.

  • Prepare for Tomorrow: Choose your clothes, pack your lunch, prepare your breakfast.

  • Mindfulness Practices: Spend time journaling (releasing what’s on your mind, answering prompts, listing gratitudes), repeating affirmations, meditating, or practising breathwork.

  • Spiritual Connection: Pray, read sacred texts, sit at your home altar to ground yourself and connect with guides.

  • Learn and Grow: Listen to an uplifting podcast, or practice new skills and creative hobbies. Read to relax.

Related read: Reclaim Your Mornings with These Personalised and Informative Morning Routine Ideas

Evening Routine Suggestions and Considerations

While you may need technology for meditation apps, music, and reading (ebook readers) during your evening routine, it is best to avoid checking the news, scrolling social media, or reading emails. Dedicate at least the last hour of your day to your well-being without these external influences.

Additionally, it is worthwhile taking practices outdoors when possible. Connecting with nature has untold benefits for overall happiness and health. Practice earthing if you are able to, journal and read on the balcony, or have your tea in the garden.

You could tailor your morning routine to mindfulness practices related to the days of the week, e.g. Mondays are for self-reflection journaling, Tuesdays are for creative skills and hobbies, Wednesdays are for learning, etc (read more here).

You can start by adding one or two activities to your evening, and gradually build on until you have a solid evening routine that best serves you. To create consistency, it is helpful to go to sleep at the same time every day, even on weekends.

“Give every day the chance to become the most beautiful day of your life.” ~ Mark Twain

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


Affirmation: I give myself permission to relax and let go of the day. My evening routine sets me up for success.

To do: Choose one of these routines or one activity to start your evening routine tonight.

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Realising Joy in Movement Makes You Feel Better


Reclaim Your Mornings with these Personalised and Informative Morning Routine Ideas