3 Things to Stop Doing for a Happier Life

Why you should stop courting potential, take up your rightful space, and share your love with people who respect and care for you. A happier life is possible for you, and here are 3 things to stop doing to allow it.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

As you are creating the life you love, there are times when you may be the one to get in your own way. There are 3 things to stop doing for a happier life. Perhaps one, if not all three, is relevant for you and those around you. Having self-awareness around your thoughts and actions can literally be life-changing because you are able to make better choices for yourself.

  1. Stop courting potential.

Think about someone who has so much potential but isn’t stepping up. One of two things can happen:

1.      They believe in your belief in them, so they choose to step up and become the person you knew they could be.

2.      They don’t want to step up, and there is nothing you can do to make them.

This becomes particularly unhealthy for you when that someone is a person you’re romantically entangled with. Courting potential often allows them to behave poorly while you become frustrated and can feel stuck, even held back.

When someone refuses to step into their potential, you need to look at their past and present actions (and not at the future potential you think you see, or have been promised). Stop accepting excuses for repeated bad behaviour because you hope it will be different one day. Stop settling for less because you hope it will become more in the future. No tomorrow is guaranteed – live your happiest life now.

If a relationship is only taking from you, and not giving anything in return, then it is time to end it. It is better to be healthy alone single, than unhappy and emotionally drained in a relationship. You are worthy of being loved and cared for in a healthy relationship.

Courting potential is not limited to relationships. Think about a job that holds the promise of promotion but when the time comes, and the work has been done, and the goals were achieved - there is no promised promotion. Simply put, it is time to look for a new job. You deserve to be compensated for your work and provided with opportunities for growth, with honest words and resulting actions. Stop going over and above for people who do not appreciate you and what you do. You will always be replaceable to them. But, you are not in your own story.

In the wise words of Maya Angelou, “When someone shows you who they are, believe the first time.” No matter the situation, your energy is precious and is best invested elsewhere, like in yourself.

2. Stop making yourself small to fit in.

When you make yourself small, you are suppressing your authentic self. You are lowering your self-esteem and self-acceptance, and limiting your personal growth. By hiding your unique qualities, perspectives, and talents (the things that set you apart), you will likely miss out on opportunities that are aligned with your true strengths.

When you are used to being self-conscious, being confident can feel like arrogance. When you are used to feeling small, staying true to yourself can feel like you’re being too big. You don’t have to brag, but you also don’t have to self-deprecate. You don’t have to be the loudest in the room, but you also don’t have to be the quietest. So…

Stand up straight and drop your shoulders. Chin Up. Walk with confidence and stand in your power. Give yourself the permission to be yourself, express yourself in words and dress, and do what you love. Attract people who love the real you and thrive in genuine relationships.

Stop making yourself small to fit in for the easy reason that it’s tiring to be anything else but your full and beautiful self. The simple truth is that you are magic, you are worthy, and your place in this world matters.

3. Stop sharing your love with people who don’t earn it.

Sharing your love and care with people who don't reciprocate or appreciate it can be emotionally draining and detrimental to your well-being. Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, care, and effort from both sides.

If you're the only one consistently giving without receiving, the relationship becomes imbalanced and unhealthy. Furthermore, continuously seeking validation from people who don't reciprocate respect and understanding lowers your low self-esteem and self-worth. It's important to be in relationships where your worth is recognized and valued.

Focusing your attention on unappreciative individuals means you are missing out on forming connections with people who will genuinely value and cherish your love. Surrounding yourself with people who uplift, support, and positively challenge you contributes to your personal growth.

Setting boundaries is essential for maintaining your emotional well-being. Redirecting your love towards those who appreciate and respect it allows you to prioritize self-care and protect yourself from emotional hurt. Choosing to share your love with people who earn it reflects a healthy level of self-respect. It shows that you value yourself enough to reserve your affection for those who value and respect you in return. Someone who respects, loves, and appreciates you should be your standard, not your exception.

hand holding a bunch of square photos, the top photo says uncomplicate yourself

Today is the day to stop doing these 3 things for a happier life. Your place in this world is needed.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


Affirmations: I deserve to be loved and respected now. I am bold and beautiful as I stand in my power. I welcome unconditional love into my life.

Journal Prompts: Are there areas of my life that I self-sabotage? What 3 things can I let go of for my personal growth?

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