Live Your Best Life by Introducing Cycle Syncing

Use the phases of your menstrual cycle as a guide to living your best life, using the inner seasons feminine archetypes, and themes to your advantage in your personal, professional, and social life.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Whether you experience a menstrual cycle or know someone who does, cycle syncing is an interesting concept and perfectly practical guide to living your best life because it incorporates the natural rhythms of your cycle (emotional and physical changes) with everyday life and responsibilities. Knowing the four menstrual cycle phases can help you eat, exercise, socialise, and work better.

While we all have these phases, the effects we feel will differ because we are individuals with our own bodily reactions. Some may breeze through their menstruation, and some may have to take days off because cramps are so bad. Please use your discretion and personal knowledge of your cycle to best create your cycle syncing schedule. These are generalisations to cover most of us, but not all of us.

Menstrual Phase (Days 1 – 5): Embracing Reflection

During your menstrual phase, your oestrogen and progesterone levels and energy levels are low. This phase can last 3-7 days. This phase of your cycle is your inner winter, a chance to slow down and keep warm. To support your body’s process during the menstrual phase, eat more iron-rich foods like leafy greens and red meat. Eat warm meals to help regulate body temperature and offer a sense of cosiness. Keeping warm is recommended because body temperature lowers in many women during this phase, and heat helps relieve pain and muscle tension. Take warm baths, use heating pads or hot water bottles on your belly, and wear socks.  

You are the least social during this phase so focus on reflective self-care practices like journaling, meditating, and spending time alone. Say no to most plans and maintain your boundaries. Respect your lower energy levels by moving your body with light (to moderate, if you aren’t straining yourself) workouts like yoga and walking. When possible, keep your work activities to more light administrative tasks that don’t require much energy. Use this reflective period to review progress and set goals or plans for the upcoming weeks.  

The menstrual phase has the female archetype of the wise woman (crone). The wise woman is slower and more tired. She is quiet and sensitive, full of wisdom that you can call on for guidance on your life journey. Connect with her reflective energy by journaling and meditating. As your body is letting go of what is no longer serving it and making space for renewal as you bleed, allow your mind and soul to let go of what is not serving your highest good and self. Release emotions, judgement, and relationship ties that are keeping you stuck. Have a new moon or full moon ceremony to connect more deeply with the energy of renewal or abundance when you’re bleeding with these moon phases.

guide to cyle syncing menstrual phase on spirited earthling blog

Follicular Phase (Days 6 – 10): Unlocking Creativity

During your follicular phase, your oestrogen levels start increasing and so do your energy levels. This phase of your cycle is your inner spring, a chance for growth and colour. The energy of spring is light and fresh, so nourish yourself with fresh fruits and vegetables and focus on eating a balanced diet. Eat more salads and smoothies.

Use your increasing energy levels to focus on your personal growth and getting outdoors. Take classes, deep clean spaces in your home, organise your personal finances, learn or improve skills, volunteer and connect with like-minded people. Wear clothes that make you feel confident. You feel more social during this phase so make plans, meet up, and go out. Put yourself out there more to network and collaborate at work. During this phase, your creativity is flowing so schedule brainstorming sessions, dive into creative projects and tackle challenging tasks that require innovative thinking. Your exercise can include moderate to high-intensity workouts like running and strength training.

The follicular phase has the female archetype of the maiden (virgin). The maiden is pure and strong. She is enthusiastic in her pursuit of goals and desires, and connecting with her confident and authentic energy can inspire you to ask for what you want (personally and professionally) and step out of your comfort zone to follow your heart and dreams. Our maiden phase encourages us to grow personally.

guide to cyle syncing follicular phase on spirited earthling blog

Ovulatory Phase (11 – 17 days): Confidence and Collaboration

During your ovulatory phase, your oestrogen levels continue increasing and this is when your energy levels are highest. This phase normally lasts 3-4 days. This phase is your inner summer season, a time to live boldly. Summer meals call for fresh ingredients so eat similarly to your spring season or follicular phase.

Your high energy levels can support you in decluttering spaces in your home (keeping only what truly serves you and your household, and letting go of distractions), and investing in your personal growth. During summer you're outdoors more and connecting with the Earth more. While ovulating, connect with nature through earthing, gardening, and nature bathing. Your social energy is also high, and this phase is when you can capitalise on your confidence. Enjoy socialising and networking. Schedule important work meetings, presentations, and public speaking engagements. Connect with colleagues and team members. You have the energy for high-intensity workouts like running and weightlifting.

The ovulatory phase has the female archetype of the mother. The mother is a doer and is present. She is nurturing, protective, wise and wields a deep inner strength. Connecting with the mother energy clarifies how you see yourself and your life, and calls you to look after yourself with no guilt. You will have been active during your spring and summer seasons and can burnout if you don’t take care of your well-being at the same time.

guide to cyle syncing ovulatory phase on spirited earthling blog

Luteal Phase (Days 18 – 28): Focusing on Details and Organising

During your luteal phase, your progesterone levels increase and peak and your energy levels begin to decrease. This phase is your inner autumn, when you slow down and look for warmth. Nourish yourself with warm meals like roasted root vegetables and soups. Notice your cravings and include foods rich in vitamin B, magnesium and fibre.

As your energy levels decrease, you start to feel more tired and the change in hormone levels can lead to mood swings. Self-care will look like time alone in nature, journaling, and meditating. You will feel less social as this phase progresses so say no when you need to. Spend less time on social media and have digital detoxes. Detail-focused and organisational tasks are best done in this phase of your cycle. Wrap up projects you can and prioritise less energy-demanding administrative tasks for the next phase. Your energy will fluctuate so listen to your body and begin to taper down works to lighter workouts like yoga and walking.

The luteal phase has the female archetype of the wild woman (witch or enchantress). The wild woman likes to be alone and reflect. She is a healer and reminds us to slow down and listen to our bodies.

guide to cyle syncing luteal phase on spirited earthling blog

Cycle Syncing Guide

In summary, cycle syncing embraces your body's natural rhythms as a guide to optimising your personal, professional, and social life. As you better understand yourself in these phases you can embrace rest, unleash your creativity, embrace confidence and collaboration, and then review and organise. You can feel more yourself as you live more authentically and aligned with your needs, more productive and efficient at work and in your workouts because you are playing to your strengths, and strengthen relationships as you socialise with the right energy.

Live according to your body and not societal expectations. Learn to thrive in your inner seasons and embrace the female archetypes. There is beauty in all seasons and phases of life. Summer fun and maiden strength is invigorating but winter rest and wise woman intuition is restorative. When you're feeling moody, say no. When you're feeling strong, lift those weights. Let society take time to understand women and their bodies and not make us fit into uninformed boxes.

Our ever-changing hormones show the rhythms of life – birth and death, highs and lows, young and old, living for yourself and nurturing another, always moving and resting. We create and sustain life while living ourselves. We share our bodies with our children. Our bodies are intricate and incredible, and it is time we make space for and honour them in our lives.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

Thank you for being part of this community.

Best wishes, warmest regards


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