Ways to Better Connect with The Healing Power of Water In Daily Life

Water is the element of emotion and healing. There are easy and practical ways to connect with the healing power of water in your daily life, with minimal change in your actions required – just your mindset.

Dear Spirited Earthling,

Connecting with nature is a daily habit that you’re already doing, but can be more intentional about – accessing the healing power of water in your daily life. Water, the elixir of life, has long been recognised for its healing properties of mind, body, and soul. You can incorporate mindful water practices into your already established daily routine, without needing to live near a river, lake, or ocean. This post shares practical ways to connect with the healing power of water.

Practical Ways to Connect with the Healing Power of Water Daily

These ways of incorporating intentionality into your habits are doable. As with all intentional practices, you just need to be mindful of your actions and give the habits the meaning they deserve.

Mindful Hydration

Drinking enough water throughout your day improves your bodily functions, supports good skin, and benefits overall health. The simplest way to connect with the healing power of water is by mindful hydration. As you drink, say a quick thank you for this nourishment. This water is not only ensuring your survival but also rejuvenating you.

woman smiling in the shower doing shower meditation

Shower Meditation

Let your showers become a sacred self-care and spiritual practice by doing a shower meditation. Listen to the water flowing and feel the water hitting your skin. As the water washes over you, visualise all the negative feelings and burdens you're carrying wash off you. Let go of all that does not serve your highest good with the aid of the water, and let these fears and frustrations go down the drain. Smile. This mindful shower can help you feel more grounded and lighter and have more clarity of thought. You connect to nature and her healing water each time you do this shower meditation.

You can take the shower meditation further by associating body parts with specific feelings. When you wash your

  • Arms you are washing away things that are holding you back from giving to others. Say thank you to your arms for giving and receiving abundance.

  • Chest you are washing away things that are stopping you from loving yourself and others. Say thank you to your chest (and the organs here) for helping you love and breathe life in fully.

  • Stomach you are washing away unhealthy desires. Say thank you to your stomach (and the organs here) for helping you receive nourishment and process life. 

  • Legs you are washing away limiting beliefs of yourself and your potential abilities and successes. Say thank you to your legs for carrying you through life and leading you to the good things in life.

  • Face you wash all judgements for yourself and others. Say thank you to your face for being the physical show of your soul.

  • Neck you wash away hurtful words said to you and said by you. Say thank you to your neck for helping you turn towards the sun and your voice for standing up for you and others in truth.

  • Hair you are washing away negative thoughts and conditioning in positive ones.

Saying thank you to your body can help with self-love and self-acceptance.


You can do hydrotherapy by taking Epsom salt baths (magnesium baths) to promote relaxation, remove toxins from the body, and loosen stiff muscles and joints. Add some essential oils for added aromatherapy. Another idea is to alternate between hot and cold showers to stimulate circulation. Cold showers can wake you up and warm showers can help relieve menstrual cramp pain and sore muscles.

Water Sounds

Listen to water-related sounds like a rushing river, bubbling stream, or lapping waves to help you relax. You can meditate to these sounds as you visualise yourself sitting next to or in the water body you're listening to. Inhale peace and exhale stress.

full moon water ritual

Water Rituals

The full moon and new moon are energy-charged times of the month and ‘moon water’ can be created during the full moon. Moon water is charged with the qualities of the moon (emotional balance, clarity, intuition). To create moon water, place a container of water (bowl or bottle) in the light of the full moon (overnight outside or on the windowsill). You can use this water to cleanse and purify objects (crystals, jewellery), a space (room spray, water plants), or yourself (drink it, wash hair with it, add it to bath). The benefits and rituals around moon water are based on personal beliefs and intentions held.

Water is the element of emotion so it can absorb emotions released into it.  In similar thinking to the shower meditation, ‘worry water’ can be an easy release of emotions available to anyone. Fill a bowl and water and take a few breaths. Tell the water your fears, stresses, and secrets you need to get off your chest. Let the water absorb these feelings of sadness, hurt, or frustration. When you are finished sharing, pour the water down the drain (not onto your plants because of the negative energy now held in the water) with all the feelings and fears you shared with it.  

Your daily interactions with water can be therapeutic and healing when you are intentional with your actions. If you aren’t down the road from a river, lake, or ocean then look at day trips or longer stays near water sources. In the meantime, try these different ways to connect with the healing power of water in your day to day.

Spirited Earthling is more than just a blog – it's a gathering place for kindred spirits drawn by an interest in self-discovery, the appeal of self-care, and a desire for a deeper connection to the world. Written and created for curious minds and spiritual hearts seeking meaning in everyday life, this blog aims to help you curate your wholesome personal growth with free weekly ideas and affordable resources for sale.

As you navigate your personal growth journey using the words and ideas shared here, consider sharing this blog with someone looking for inspiration or motivation on their own journey. We are all spirited earthlings, and can lift each other together with mindful, connected living.

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Best wishes, warmest regards


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