Interesting Life Lessons Learned from the Seasons
The seasons have interesting life lessons to teach us, as we move through our own winter, spring, summer, and autumn seasons. Learn to live with acceptance and love for the season you’re in, because change is inevitable.
Dear Spirited Earthling,
The weather of the seasons teach us to see the best in a situation, to stay in the now, and to focus on what can be controlled. The only constant in life is change, and the seasons are a perfect reminder of that.
“Seasons are theatrical. Each one enters like a prima donna, convinced its performance is the reason the world has people in it.” ~ Toni Morrison, Beloved
Interesting Life Lessons Learned from the Weather of the Seasons
1.Perspective Matters
The way we view the world around us can have a significant impact on our overall happiness and well-being. Perspective is a powerful tool that can shape our experiences, attitudes, and emotions. This is evident in countries like Scandinavia, where despite having some of the "worst" weather conditions (the shortest summers and the longest and darkest winters), the people there are consistently ranked among the happiest in the world. Society associates sunshine with happiness, and gloomy skies with sadness. However, if the happiest people can feel happy with such limited sunshine, then perspective matters.
"It takes sunshine and rain to make a rainbow. There would be no rainbows without sunshine and rain." ~ Roy T. Bennett (The Light in the Heart)
Rather than viewing the cold climate as a negative aspect of their lives, Scandinavians embrace it as an opportunity to engage in activities like skiing, skating, and other winter sports. They also have a strong sense of community and social support. Cold weather calls for indoor gatherings to be cosy and together. The concept of happiness includes more than the weather you’re experiencing.
There is beauty in the falling rain quenching the dry earth’s thirst. There is loveliness in the snow blanketing the tired ground and encouraging rest. There is magnificence in the trees letting go of what they need to as they prepare and make space for new and wonderful things.
"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says, "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again." ~ Lewis Carroll (Alice's Adventures in Wonderland / Through the Looking-Glass)
Maybe this life lesson learned from the weather of seasons is to find happiness in things beyond your external environment. Think of the beauty of the season you’re in. There is more to be grateful for than just the climate. Live in accordance with the season, rather than wishing it away.
2.Don’t Miss Out on What Is because You’re Wishing for What Could Be
It’s natural to have aspirations and dreams for the future, but it's important not to let them overshadow the present moment. By focusing too much on what could be, we may overlook the opportunities and blessings that are right in front of us.
The weather teaches us to be grateful and present in the now. Too often we’re in one place and wishing to be somewhere else. This life lesson learned also reminds us to appreciate the little things. Allow yourself to relish in the hot cup of tea while sitting under a blanket instead of wishing for a beach day. That time will come, so don’t miss out on what you have now. Revel in the sunny weather instead of wishing for cooler weather. How often do people wish for something, receive it, and are already wanting something else? Surrender to the flow of life and accept life for what it is at this moment.
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." ~ John Ruskin
3.Focus on What You Can Control
The weather is going to do what the weather is going to do, regardless of your plans for the day. So, people plan their days by the weather. This simple analogy is easily forgotten – focus on what you can control.
While we cannot control the weather, we can control how we respond to it. Look at situations that are frustrating you and ask yourself if you're trying to change the weather. You cannot make a person behave in every way you want them to. You can control how you feel and react. You cannot make a restaurant have a table for you when they’re already fully booked. You can eat somewhere else or choose a different day. Look at what you can control and adapt to the things that cannot be changed. This shift in focus can help us feel more empowered and less stressed, as we are taking action to make a positive change.
“When all is said and done, the weather and love are the two elements about which one can never be sure.” ~ Alice Hoffman
4.There is Strength in Togetherness
A snowflake is fragile, yet a snowstorm can shut down a city. A breeze is cooling, but a tornado can destroy a house in seconds. Rain is held off with an umbrella, while floods can topple trees and buildings. This life lesson learned from the weather of the seasons is that by working together, massive differences can be made.
“Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.” ~ Vesta M. Kelly
There are Seasons in Life
Life is a journey that takes us through various ups and downs. Just like the seasons of the year, our lives also go through different phases, each with its unique challenges and opportunities. The cyclical nature of the seasons serves as a reminder that change is inevitable. Just as the seasons transition from one to the next, life also goes through phases of change. There are seasons of growth and bloom and there are seasons to let go. There are seasons of ecstasy and there are seasons of quiet. Embracing changes and allowing periods of transition helps you accept new seasons of life.
The life lesson learned from the weather is that no season lasts forever, including the personal season that you are currently experiencing. The secret is not letting the current season define who you are. Do not judge your life on the current season only, for every season has a purpose and every season changes.
“Dreams do not bear fruits unless the weather conditions are favourable. Your positive mentality makes your dreams germinate; your actions make them to bear fruits. Take positive actions. Be positively minded.” ~ Israelmore Ayivor
Recommended read: What You Need To Know About The Art Of Spring-Cleaning The Soul
How to Thrive During the 4 Seasons of Life
Winter: Rest. Learn. Prepare.
Winter is a time of quiet introspection and reflection. It reminds us to slow down and take stock of our lives. Just as nature slows down during this season, it's important for us to take moments of rest and reflection. Winter teaches us the value of patience and the need for self-care. It's a time to recharge and prepare for the upcoming seasons of growth.
The winter season can be difficult. Much depends on the success of the previous seasons, like how good the harvest was. Surviving the winter is easy when the harvest was great and the stocks are high. Your actions during the easier seasons determine how your winter will be. Do you have healthy habits that keep your mindset positive? Is your stock full of nourishing food to see you through?
This period is one of rest and reset. What can you learn from the past seasons? How can you better prepare for next winter? Use the time you have to develop skills and improve knowledge. Sleep and know that it is okay to rest. This season will end and spring will come, so always keep hope alive for better days. You’re prepared now.
Spring: Seek opportunities. Act. New beginnings.
Spring symbolizes rebirth, growth, and new beginnings. Just as flowers bloom after a period of dormancy, life often presents opportunities for fresh starts and personal growth. Spring reminds us that even after difficult times, there is potential for positive change.
In your spring season, seek opportunities and act on new ideas. The successes will be reaped in autumn. Implement the plans you created in winter. Give this season your best effort and remember your rewards will likely only come in a different season. Be confident with self-compassion. Be intentional with your time and create healthy habits.
Summer: Live. Nurture. Protect.
Summer is a time of plenty when crops are harvested and nature's bounty is abundant. This can remind us to enjoy the rewards of hard work and to make the most of the prosperous periods in our lives. There is more energy and abundance in summer so you will see progress in achieving your goals. It's a time to cultivate relationships, pursue passions, and build on what you've accomplished. Summer is also a time for warmth, relaxation, and fun. It reminds us to take time to enjoy life and to appreciate the people and experiences that make us happy. Enjoy the sunshine and also keep focused so your harvest will be great in autumn.
Autumn: Reap. Accept. Reflect.
The changing leaves and cooler temperatures of fall remind us of the impermanence of life. Seasons change, and things come to an end. This can teach us to appreciate the present moment and be prepared for transitions. Just as trees shed their leaves, we must let go of what no longer serves us to make way for new opportunities.
The autumn season involves harvesting what you sowed and shows the results of your efforts. Celebrate yourself and allow for disappointments. This life lesson is about accepting your harvest for what it is because it's too late to change to make different decisions. Reap and reflect, for in winter you can rest and prepare.
Related Read: Live Your Best Life by Introducing Cycle Syncing (understanding your inner seasons with respect to your menstrual cyle)
What the Weather of the Seasons Teaches Us about Life
Change is inevitable and each season has a purpose. There is a time for rest, for planting, for watering and harvesting. Our personal happiness is our personal responsibility. Having a positive perspective means that each moment can be enjoyed for what it is. The little things can be appreciated instead of being wished away. The seasons and associated activities remind us of the importance of delayed gratification – you’ll be working in one season and receive rewards in a different one. There is sweetness in the sunny weather because of the cold winters. There is something to learn from each season. Work through the season you’re in and evolve with your environment remembering change isn’t far away.
Read: Beautiful Seasonal Transition Rituals to Welcome Change with Grace
"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there’s something stronger – something better, pushing right back." ~ Albert Camus
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