Love to the Sensitive Empathetic Individual Learning to Live Authentically

Understanding the reality of being a sensitive and empathetic person, learning how to protect and renew your energy, affirmations for empaths, a cleansing prayer and a poem for sensitive and empathetic souls.

Beautiful Sensitive and Empathetic Soul,

I hope this letter finds you at a time of inspiration and solace. You are not alone and have a special and honoured place on this Earth, and here’s why.

Being a Sensitive and Empathetic Soul Feels Like a Flaw

Sometimes being a sensitive empath can be overwhelming in a way that words cannot quite describe. This makes you feel outside the mainstream. And occasionally, there’s a mood of wanting to save humanity but not wanting to interact with it.

You can struggle to separate yourself and your feelings from those of others. So, when the world around you feels heavy, it’s hard to not feel as heavy as the world seems.

You can read a person’s energy almost immediately and know the vibe of a room as you walk in. You pick up the subtle tone shifts and body language changes. You note the words people use and those they avoid.

Movies, music, books, and the news affect you deeply. You feel the highest highs and the darkest hurts. You root for the underdog and recognise that kindness is always needed.

Being an empath is challenging, but the truth is:  

“As empaths we’re not here to be sponges or enablers. We’re here to be helpers, guides, and supporters.” ~ Alethia Luna

Being a Sensitive and Empathetic Soul is a Benefit

You have the remarkable ability to bring understanding, comfort, and healing to those you know and to those you don’t.

You can listen to someone as if your souls are communicating with each other. You are a shoulder to cry on, a sounding board to unravel thoughts, and a safe space for those lucky enough to know you.

You provide encouragement and support in rare and beautiful ways. The right words intuitively come to you, as you know what different people need to hear.

Although you think you’re doing nothing special, or could always do more, or simply being a good person – you need to know that your presence is felt deeply, is treasured, and makes tremendous impacts on people’s lives.

Feeling deeply means your life is rich. You are experiencing life in all her glory. In a world that needs more compassion and understanding, you are a light for others to see. Your empathy can help bring positive change and inspire deeper connections.

"You feel a lot, which means sometimes you're going to hurt a lot, but it also means that you're gonna live a life that is emotionally rich and really beautiful." ~ Dr. Ryan says to Devi in Never Have I Ever

How to Protect Your Energy as an Empath

Here is what you need to do as an empath to protect yourself emotionally and energetically and live as an empowered empath:

  • Reflect on who and what causes you to feel drained and overwhelmed.

  • Acknowledge that you cannot fight people’s battles for them, you cannot save people who don’t want to be saved, and you cannot fix everyone.

  • Set boundaries and enforce them. At first, you will need to get comfortable being uncomfortable because these boundaries protect your mind, body, and soul.

  • Know your energy levels and only give what you are able to.

Empowered empaths are mindful of what they commit to, meet their needs first, and have clear and healthy boundaries.

“For a lot of empaths, people-pleasing tendencies first develop as forms of self-protection. Since we can feel people’s disapproval, judgments and criticisms so strongly, we learn at a very early age how to give people what they want to avoid the pain of their disappointment. This turns into a vicious cycle of overgiving, overachieving, and overanalyzing our way through life.” ~ Elizabeth Su

How to Renew Your Energy as an Empath

Keeping your energy up and your emotions regulated can help you live as an empowered empath:

  • Make time for self-care, meditation, and journaling (including inner-child prompts).

  • Move your body: exercise, practise yoga, swim.

  • Spend time alone. Get cosy in bed with a warm cup of tea.

  • Spend time in nature. Spend time in water.

  • Practise gratitude daily.

  • Disconnect from the digital world often (social media breaks, disable notifications from social media apps).

  • Consider therapy and coaching.

  • Drink a lot of water and eat whole foods, fruit and vegetables.

  • Declutter your spaces.

  • Open and balance your chakras and listen to sound frequencies.

  • Clear your energy and space by smudging.

Empowered empaths are connected to their ‘gut feeling’ and honour it, know when to ask for help, have clarity of thought, and feel balanced and grounded.

“You have a soft heart, and a pure soul, that’s why you feel everything so deeply. Be clear on one thing: this is your superpower, not your weakness.

The world needs more of you so don’t suppress who you are. It is not your job to heal every person you meet, but it’s your job to make sure your kind nature remains intact throughout your journey. Stay close to those who genuinely appreciate you, and stay far away from those whose only goal is to take advantage of your energy.

You are one of the rare gems the Universe has blessed with heightened clairvoyance and divinity. Keep shining your light everywhere you go.” – Esther T

Emotive and Healing Affirmations for Empaths

Daily affirmations can be life-changing as you reset your thinking and take actions that support your mantras.

Self-care is important for you, including energy healing and protection. Spend time in nature and earth, learn to ground yourself wherever you are (through affirmations, breathwork, meditation), and journal as a way to release your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Find ways that you raise your vibration in calm and dynamic ways. Make looking after yourself a priority.

Cleansing Prayer for Sensitive Empaths

cleansing prayer for sensitive and empathetic souls

You can save this and say it throughout the day when you need to ground yourself. Do some box breathing as well. You can say it before you open your circle at your altar.

A Few Rhyming Words for Sensitive and Empathetic Individuals

In many ways, I’m writing this post because I too am a deeply sensitive and empathetic person, trying to embrace myself and live authentically. More often than not, throughout my life, I felt this was a hindrance, a bug in my programming, a setting that can’t be turned off but should be. I’m learning to accept that the way I am is a feature, not a bug.

I cry in movies no matter how many times I watch it. If you cry, I cry. I feel instrumental and cinematic music in my bones. I dwell on characters from books long after I’ve read them. In the movie The Holiday, Jude Law’s character says, "A good book, a great film, a birthday card, I weep" – I felt that to my core.

Now I am working to protect and renew my energy daily. I am focusing on the people who care for me as I am and treat me well. I don’t watch the news and heavy, violent movies and series. I listen to uplifting music and move my body. I am grateful for my deep feelings and my ability to love. I am grateful for my strong intuition and connection to the Earth and sky. I am thankful for Jenny, a spiritual guide and teacher who inspires and encourages me to step into who I am.

This letter is as much a letter to you as it is to myself. We have a needed and exceptional place in this world. Stay true to you, beautiful soul.

All my love,


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